
What Can I Use It For?

Image of digital laboratory

Labster provides virtual lab simulations that allow students to work through real-life case stories, interact with lab equipment, perform experiements, and learn with theory and quiz questions.

This Academic Toolbox tool helps you...
Assess Student Work & Provide Feedback / Teach from a Distance
Typical course activity format:
Synchronous or Asynchronous
Quercus integration
Integrated Tool

Where can I get more support?

Related resources / similar tools

Centrally Funded

How to Get Started

Labsterprovides virtual lab simulations, from simple 2D animations that can be viewed on a desktop, to advanced 3D experiences that can be viewed in immersive virtual reality headsets.

How to Use This Tool

Labster is a third-party company that provides many kinds of virtual lab simulations, from simple 2D animations that can be viewed on a desktop, to advanced 3D experiences that can be viewed in immersive virtual reality headsets. Labster’s virtual lab simulations allow students to work through real-life case stories, interact with lab equipment, perform experiments, and learn with theory and quiz questions. Read full details about Labster and virtual labs External Link icon.

Students can explore life science at a molecular level and look inside the equipment they are operating through animations.

Labster is currently integrated in Quercus for the Fall 2020 term on a pilot basis. Refer to Online Learning Strategies blog post External Link icon. for additional information.

  • Labster access and support

    Labster access and support

    While Labster has been integrated into Quercus for the Fall, Labster is not an institutionally supported EdTech tool. If you are interested in using Labster or want more information about their catalogue of labs, please contact the vendor to arrange a course or program contract.  Our representative is Christopher James Conner <> – Director of Institutional Relations, Canada

    Upon an agreement with Labster you may contact for support in Quercus course set up.

  • Add Labster Dashboard to navigation menu

    Add a link to the Labster Dashboard in your course menu, by following these steps:

    1. In your course menu, click “Settings.”
    2. Click on the “Navigation” tab.
    3. Drag “Labster Dashboard” up from the list of hidden navigation items to the list of visible navigation items in the top half of this list.
    4. Save your change.

    Adding Labster to Navigation Menu

  • Add Labster labs to your course

    Follow the instructions on how to add Labster to your course External Link icon. We have the Labster labs Common Cartridge available for download and import. Please contact  for information.



Last Modified:

21 June, 2022

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